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A new auto mod system


New member
Hello- its me again. While typing my previous thread- I thought of another strike type system for auto mod. A more advanced mod system which should work like this-

1st strike: A warning box should appear with a warning on what the user did wrong, and how to avoid it next time. While sending the strike to mods to either keep or remove the strike.
2nd strike: Another warning box with the same things displayed as the last one. And chat gets disabled for around 24 hours. While yet again sending this strike to a mod to keep it or remove it.
3rd strike: The user gets perm banned until a mod reviews the ban reason, and either keeps them banned, makes them wait a certain amount of time, or unbans them.

And every 2 months, 1 strike should be able to get removed from the users account.

This would allow mods to easily help users while avoiding the ban appeal all together, if anything if I was the developer of the website, I would have the reasonings get sent to a chat containing all mods, and a poll to either keep the user, or get them off the website.

PS- Rocky.
and if we want to make this more advanced, we could use AI image detection systems for things such as CP, Abuse images, Or NSFW gifs. Discord has something very similar to this, where if you send certain videos. your account gets banned instantly. its just going to be hard to implement- and to get right.