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A.I. Hope for the Future or Humanity's Doom?


VIP Member
If you've scanned the headlines lately, you've probably noticed a lot of talk about Artificial Intelligence (A.I.). Computer AI can write stories for newspapers and websites, help programmers finish code more quickly, create "original" graphics and artwork, and even help you write a story for your kid.

Ashton Kutcher is totally on board: Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

But...how far will AI go?

Err...SkyNet? Is that you?

I've watched too many sci-fi movies to completely trust AI. But, I can see that it's like any other innovation. Some jobs will be lost and taken over by AI (copywriters, junior programmers, etc). But that didn't stop the production of the car or any other technological advancement.

What do you think?
I can understand the distrust for AI, and in general we should remain cautious of any technological invention. Technology can both be the instrument of our salvation and our doom
I feel like AI can be good but bad at the same time. I don't believe that they will try to start to revolt against us unless programmed to do so maybe?
Ooh, ooh, some peeps replied to my thread! 😃

@Trench- I totally get where you're coming from. I do like to dabble in AI-generated art myself. Because I frankly don't have those skills. For me it's just a hobby, half "Look how cool this is" and half "Look how messed up this is." lol. But, I can see some of that art being used commercially instead of hiring an artist. :( I've read about the same happening with junior coders and copywriters.

@MarquisdeGuillotin - I think you're right. Any new invention, especially one with such a broad possibility for how it could be used, should be viewed and used cautiously. Just because we can do something, doesn't mean we should.

@Rappertown - Here's hoping Skynet is still inactive. ;) (Please tell me that some of y'all get that reference. lol)
Ooh, ooh, some peeps replied to my thread! 😃

@Trench- I totally get where you're coming from. I do like to dabble in AI-generated art myself. Because I frankly don't have those skills. For me it's just a hobby, half "Look how cool this is" and half "Look how messed up this is." lol. But, I can see some of that art being used commercially instead of hiring an artist. :( I've read about the same happening with junior coders and copywriters.

@MarquisdeGuillotin - I think you're right. Any new invention, especially one with such a broad possibility for how it could be used, should be viewed and used cautiously. Just because we can do something, doesn't mean we should.

@Rappertown - Here's hoping Skynet is still inactive. ;) (Please tell me that some of y'all get that reference. lol)
Most definitely, we need to exercise more caution in regard to this, we could be playing with fire