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Beyond The Palm Springs 🍡🦦 🏖️
VIP Member
hey my name’s Ethan and I’d love to talk with you!

That. That right there someone may thought was true even though it’s entirely a lie. Ethan isn’t my actual name and there’s some days where I don’t wanna talk to anyone & id think getting to know them will decide if I wanna talk to them right?

I would say that’s besides the point but let’s face it there’s no point is there..

Lots of things we do there’s no reason at all and that’s okay because we think it’s okay??

the girls who spend hours on makeup, hey I love you!! But who u tryna impress? Worrying abt looks is normal but if someone really is gonna be ur friend they won’t care what u look like they just care abt personality yk. So in the end aren’t you doing all that work for yourself? Just saying as an example.

Life can be so so hard sometimes and really exhausting but there’s ways to make it a little bit better even if u think it’s impossible. depending on the person and situation I’m sure I could think of many ways.

I often feel a way that makes me question myself and what my purpose is. I’ve realized I don’t have one. I have more than one and I just need to find one of them and pursue it willingly.

mistakes, I’ve made a few of those.

by a few I mean mistakes are something us humans learn from and that hasn’t always been the case with me & I realized I am partially a mistake but I need to fix that in order to take care of my future self.

I’ve wasted so much time in life doing stuff which is useless but I think that’s all part of why I am who I am today. Everything happens for a reason and I couldn’t be more optimistic and happy abt manifesting my dreams! currently I’m writing a full movie script. Sounds hard but even tho it is it’s only 7 pages a day for 12 weeks.

I have hope for anyone feeling hopeless rn.

I’m trying to get back hope I’ve had for myself back before things in my childhood affected my anxiety and self esteem.

it’s crazy how much certain things hold onto you and how looking back at moments even from 5 years ago make it seem like ur in that moment and it was longer or not that long ago. For example 2020 was 4 flippin years ago.. crazzzyyyy

that’s all (not really but for now).
Sincerely: SadSpider 🕸️