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I was kicked and banned from 321chat Teen chat for posting links to a chess site.

I feel that there should be an exception with sites such as lichess.com and Chess.com. I don't think it matters anymore due to the lack of empathy and sympathy these users in "power" have.
But, it is something that should be looked into. I used lichess in chat. It's more secure and the users play anonymously. Every user who played had a very fun time. I did as well.

I understand why things like pornography and socials links aren't supported. The link I was sending didn't harm anyone except the moderator or admin. To help their alter ego or whatnot they banned me. Knowing it was a chess site. It's a pathetic way to treat others if you ask me.

I wouldn't disagree .. but usually we don't allow certain links for safety reasons but it definitely will be looked over thank you for bringing it to our attention

Links except YouTube embedded ones aren’t usually allowed to be posted for reasons such as people putting malicious content on the link or when you click on it and they can get your IP. This is a big reason why sites don’t allow links. Although I’m sure your just a guy looking for chess mates some people aren’t up to the same and it’s up to the chats owners to put the safety of their users on the site before anyone else’s
CM has explicitly said links ARE allowed except exe and zip files....and simply some that are large links....

for some reason everyone keeps saying ONLY youtube links are allowed and that's just not the case

ive been banned before for an earthcam link....which i was since told by CM its allowed.....it just seems like theres so many "rules" out there that nobody knows for sure and a lot of mods (mostly newer ones) will simply kick mute or ban on sight instead of actually looking into it....

now, don't get me wrong, links to other chat sites and such aren't allowed....but it would be nice to be able to post a simple link to a simple news story without the fear of a mod swooping in to ban u
CM has explicitly said links ARE allowed except exe and zip files....and simply some that are large links....

for some reason everyone keeps saying ONLY youtube links are allowed and that's just not the case

ive been banned before for an earthcam link....which i was since told by CM its allowed.....it just seems like theres so many "rules" out there that nobody knows for sure and a lot of mods (mostly newer ones) will simply kick mute or ban on sight instead of actually looking into it....

now, don't get me wrong, links to other chat sites and such aren't allowed....but it would be nice to be able to post a simple link to a simple news story without the fear of a mod swooping in to ban u
That’s for you to ask @admin and @ChatMaster, I’ve tagged them for you and hopefully they will reply with an answer for you so you know :)
The links you’ve mentioned are probably fine (I haven’t clicked them) but it’s expected for a moderator to check a link to make sure it’s safe. If it looks unusual, and one of yours does, then they’re safe to assume it’s something that shouldn’t be clicked.

I know there are sites you can use to check links before you click them but not posting links at all is probably the safest way.

Links are generally okay but you’re clicking at your own risk and complaining to us afterwards won’t make a difference.