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  • I've been playing a lot of Skyrim lately. Level 6 so far lol. I'll maybe play a lot more of it when I'm in hospital so that'll be fun. It will most likely be a month or so until I'm back in hospital. My next appointment with my consultant is in 16 days so I'm hoping that goes well
    I hope it goes well for you, too. I was in hospital today, too.

    Skyrim is such a wonderful game. Enjoy!
    Yippee, I need to do more tests for my lung function and airway issues, I'll then get training for the tracheostomy and then I'll end up with an permanent tracheostomy. Joy
    Ugh, my imac seems to be broke lol. Spent ages also trying to set up my table and gaming chair and kinda gave up. Then again I so want it done so I don't need to think about it again.
    20241203_190505.jpgMy new baby (its a girl) <3


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    Apparently I'm going for a emo ish look today


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    Been so tired lately, I got a tattoo earlier and it looks cool (imo). Its of the mad hatters hat (from alice in wonderland) and an yellow rose.
    I have no idea how to change my gender on forums or how to change my username colour on forums, someone please help lol
    Those are things I believe you would have no control over. The gender I believe is done while signing up and can't be changed afterwards and the color of your name was probably done by @ChatMaster when your rank was changed. Maybe messaging him would be able to solve both of your problems. Best of luck friend.
    Thank you, I asked Prinny :)
    Been a stressful 2 weeks but finally back home <3
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